Balancing Life & Attending A Conference

What a trip, and what a couple of weeks since the trip.  We can’t control what life throws at us, but we can control our reactions and how we show up.  I needed some time to get back into my routine and be present in my relationships.

But I want to share about our trip to Las Vegas for the United Spinal Association’s Chapter Leadership Meeting 2022.  I enjoy attending this conference every year, but this year seemed to be the best yet! It makes me very excited for future events and growing our Northeast Ohio Chapter.

Did you know that I have been the President of the United Spinal Association Northeast Ohio Chapter for about 6 years now?! Holy moly, where has the time gone?  I have learned and grown so much as a leader during this time, and I cannot wait to see the growth of the chapter moving forward.  It’s always nice to reflect back on where you started and look at where you are now.  Be proud of yourself for any and all accomplishments and growth you see. 

You should be your biggest cheerleader! If you aren’t, take a look at how you are speaking to yourself!

Back to Vegas…I loved everything about this trip.  The plane rides were smooth sailing thanks to being able to roll right onto Southwest Air and transfer into a seat.  Two fewer transfers per plane ride helps me save my energy and my shoulders.  I always choose to fly Southwest Air if I have that choice! (not sponsored, but if anyone from Southwest sees this, I’m open to chatting 🙂)

At the conference and out “on the streets” I had so much fun!  I met new friends who are doing amazing things for their local SCI communities, and I always get fired up to bring so much back to Northeast Ohio when I attend this conference.  And I saw “old” friends again that I hadn’t seen in a few years.  This was the first in-person Chapter Leadership Meeting since 2019.  It felt really good to be around all this energy.  It’s so contagious.  

All energy is contagious.

I have so many ideas in my head that I want to bring to Northeast Ohio, but I cannot do it alone.  If you are in the area and would like to get involved, please email us at  We would love to use your strengths to serve Northeast Ohio’s spinal cord injury community. (and beyond! maybe?)

After the first day of the conference, a small group of us went to dinner in the Bellagio hotel and stopped in the beautiful botanical gardens beforehand.  I was told that the Bellagio changes these gardens once per season, and we could see a beautiful fall display.  Flowers shaped into acorns and pumpkins as big as 1,000 pounds!  The top pumpkin weighed in at a whopping 1,026 pounds!   

Now, how do you think they got those pumpkins into their spots? 

Leave a comment! (Wrong answers only?!)  We pictured a tow motor bringing it in carefully, but seriously let me know what you think!

The conference ended at noon on the second day, so we had plenty of time to explore!  After walking around the strip for a little bit and hanging out with new friends from the conference, we decided to see a show. With so many choices, it was hard to decide, but we landed at Mystere,  a Cirque du Soleil production.

It. was. Incredible!

That’s all I can really say about it.  I don’t think Chris or I could tell you what it was about. But would we recommend it? Absolutely! The pure strength and talent of these performers are incredible!  There were many “whoa”s and “holy crap”s of amazement throughout the show.  If you ever travel to Las Vegas  (on Southwest air, perhaps?, again not sponsored, but I would love to be!), definitely check out  ANY Cirque du Soleil shows.  You will not be disappointed.

You can find all my photos from the trip on my Instagram Account @megs_hammond.

I lived on Cloud 9 for a few days after this trip, and I soaked in all the gratitude I could.  I love traveling and meeting new people.  And I love being home alone, lost in my thoughts and daydreams.  Life is all about balance, and I think many of us haven’t explored as much as we want because of the pandemic and other important issues that need to be addressed.

I urge you to use this as a sign to get out more (or stay in more if you are a busybody always on the go).  Find more balance in your life in whatever area is in need.  Set some goals (you can get a free template for writing SMART goals by signing up for my email list, maybe pop up happened? Or look in the column to the right of this text) and then create action steps needed to achieve those goals.  The smaller the task, the better!

If you would like more information on anything I spoke about here, leave me some feedback either here – below this post, e-mail me (, or on any of my social media platforms! (IG/TW/TT  @megs_hammond).  If you’d like to get started on a journaling journey,  you can head to my shop and download a 2-week journal prompt freebie. I would love to hear from you and what I can do to help.  If there is ANYTHING that you want to hear about – please let me know!  I can’t do any of this without YOU, so I would love to connect with you!

Let’s keep those happy thoughts, productivity, and self-care going!  Until next time, live honestly, passionately, and with kindness! Take care!
