Books I read in 2021

Reading hasn’t always had a place in my life.  I always wanted to be a reader but just couldn’t stay focused enough to get into a book.  Until I found personal development, or self-help, books.  Whatever you call them, I love them.  I nerd out to them.  I always have my highlighter close by, marking anything that moves me.

*Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below, but these are all products that I highly recommend. I won’t put anything on this page that I haven’t verified and/or personally used. See my full disclosure statement here.

So, what are my favorites?

Before I get into them, I want to acknowledge my reading journey.  In 2020, I sort of began reading.  Every once in a while, whenever I “felt” like it.  I may have read 2 books all year.  In 2021, I decided to make reading more of a priority that was incorporated into my morning routine.  

Reading about an area of my life that I wanted to improve gave me the motivation to get started.  After the habit was established, it has been so easy to continue.  In 2021, I read 12 books.  About 1 book a month.  For me, that was huge.  I may have finished 12 books in my life up to that point.  I’m finding myself craving the time to read.  It’s what feels really good.

Here’s what I read in 2021:

Atomic Habits, by James Clear – This book started my 2021 off to a great start.  I cannot recommend this book enough to anyone wanting to make improvements to their life.  You don’t have to have a big dream or goal in order to want to improve.  Clear writes about how changing how you identify with certain beliefs is the way to creating healthier, permanent habits.  

You’re a Badass series, by Jen Sincero – I have a few books of hers.  I absolutely love her writing style.  Sassy, kind and educational.  If you aren’t a fan of curse words, she may not be for you.  Badass Habits and You’re a Badass at Making Money were both great.  (I have read You’re a Badass, the one that started the series a few years ago which prompted me to buy these two).  I also have You’re a Badass Everyday, in which I read one section from every day to remind myself how much of a badass I am.  

That Sounds Fun, by Annie F Downs – This book was full of stories about how adding in more joy and play in your life reaps so many benefits.  I was captivated by the stories and the lessons I learned throughout the stories will stay with me forever.  After reading this book, I promised myself that I would have more fun in my daily life.  I’m so glad I did.

Before the finale of my list, a few worth mentioning include a fiction book:

Behind Closed Doors by BA Paris.  I couldn’t put it down!  If you like psychological thrillers, it'll be for you!

Also, biographies: Sitting Pretty by Rebekah Taussig and Being Heumann by Judy Heumann.  I would recommend both of these if you are looking for inspiring disability advocacy stories.

And then, my love for Brené Brown started, ending out my year.  Gifts of Imperfections and then Daring Greatly were both wonderful and since then, I’ve added Braving the Wilderness, Atlas of the Heart, and am currently reading Dare to Lead.  I cannot recommend her work enough if you are searching for belonging and meaningful connections.  

Reading has become a staple in my life.  If I go more than a couple of days without reading, I notice a difference in my mood.  Reading has become something that I do for me.  Not only is reading beneficial for your mood and cognitive functioning (hello brain health!), but it also can improve your sleep and ability to focus and reduce stress.

If you would like more information on anything I spoke about here, leave me some feedback either here – below this post, e-mail me (, or on any of my social media platforms! (IG/TW/TT  @megs_hammond).  I do have a free 2-week journaling guide that you can download from my website if you are interested in starting your journaling practice.  I would love to hear from you and what I can do to help.  If there is ANYTHING that you want to hear about – please let me know!  I can’t do any of this without YOU, so I would love to connect with you!

Let’s keep those happy thoughts, productivity, and self-care going!  Until next time, live honestly, passionately, and with kindness! Take care!
