How Decluttering Your Life Helps Your Stress

Decluttering needs to have somewhat of a priority in your life.  Clutter refers to things and people in your life that distract you from living your best life.  Decluttering your life puts your priorities back into the main light.

Man am I so behind in writing about what has been going on in my life and the things I have learned and how they can benefit you!  I will eventually get caught up, so bear with me and look for blog posts more often than normal in the next few weeks. One way to stay in the know and update for sure is to sign up for my email list.  I promise I won’t spam you. I will just email you every time I upload a new post, or if I have some exciting news to share! And, i will never, EVER, give your email to anyone else. 

*Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below, but these are all products I highly recommend. I won’t put anything on this page that I haven’t verified and/or personally used. See my full disclosure statement here.

If you have been following my journey, you know that I have just recently moved an hour away from where I was born and raised to start a new chapter of my life, with a closer commute to work.  Well, I am all moved in!!

Sort of…

Most of my things are in my new condo.  A little of it is in my storage locker, but some things are still in my parents garage, causing an inconvenience to them.  You see, I was rushed to get out of my house and move into my condo when we were able to get the service elevator in order to move my furniture in.  I’ve learned two important lessons because of this.

Lesson #1

Work with a realtor that you know and trust.  What started out as a good relationship didn’t really end up that way.  Sure, she seemed super sweet and genuinely wanted the best for me. But, she only showed me condos that her office had listed, and the concerns I had from the very beginning were forgotten once a cash offer on my house was on the table.  From the beginning, me moving out was supposed to be contingent on being able to move into my place. Meaning, until I had my modifications at my new place done, I would still be living at my house.

Well, that did not happen.  Within 30 days of signing the offer, I was forced to get out of my house and move in to a place where I didn’t know if I would have a usable bathroom.  Four weeks later, my kitchen still is not done (this is not the fault of the realtor, but the home modifications company).

This brings me to Lesson #2

Do your homework and research on home modification companies and ask any little question you can think of.  This step I did not do because of my time limit. I possibly could have done a little more research, and I did get quotes from a couple companies, but I ultimately had to make a decision quickly.  Something I don’t do well.

I forgot to ask (because I didn’t think of it) how long the modifications would take and if they would be working on it every single day.  They worked everyday the first week; nothing happened the second week; they worked four days the third week; and maybe a half day in the fourth week because I was starting to get very stern with them.  Hopefully next week (the fifth week of work) I will have a finished place. And, Diamond can join me in our new home

Yes, I have been without my precious baby girl for a month and counting…

So, I have been living out of boxes and trying not to unpack a bunch of things for my kitchen.  Which means my diet has not been good, even in the slightest little bit. My body is definitely feeling all of those bad choices.  I genuinely miss meal prepping and feeling like my body does not hate me. I have been in so much pain since moving because I’m not feeding my body with the nutrients it needs.  That will be changing.

I have been part of the 131 Method for sometime now.  I’ve done a cycle, and then ruined what I accomplished and then cycle repeat.  This program is amazing and I’m excited to start it again on Monday! It teaches you how different nutrients can affect your body and how to experiment with different foods to boost your metabolism, heal your gut, and lose stubborn weight.  You can learn more by clicking here: 131 Method. Join me on Monday? If there is enough interest, I will start a FB group for accountability, questions, and overall community building.

Living in Boxes

There is research out there that living in clutter and chaos has effects on your mood and overall wellbeing.  I have been living in boxes for basically two months now: the month before moving when we were decluttering and packing my house, and now for a month waiting for modifications to be finished.

The first thing I did was my bedroom.  I unpacked all my clothes in the matter of the first week, and unpacked all of my bedroom things as quickly as I could.  That way, at least I had one room that I could hang out in and relax. With the weather permitting, I was able to have my balcony overlooking the lake and my bedroom as my sanctuary places where I could relax.  The rest of my condo was filled with boxes and unfinished modifications.

I would end each day exhausted but feeling like I didn’t really accomplish much. And, I completely blame the clutter.  Because we (my mom & myself) did such a great job at cleaning out all the unnecessary items from my house, I know that my clutter (right now) is just all the boxes of things I need and use.  But, it’s still clutter.

The clutter that you have in your house or space, is also subconsciously in your mind.

And this creates stress, anxiety, worry, and in some cases, depression in your life.  For the past couple of weeks, even though I’ve had more than enough time, I have been so unmotivated to do anything “extra.”  I haven’t really done anything for my blog, FB/IG accounts, and my stories on Snapchat have been a lot less. In fact, the stories that I did share were basically me complaining about my condo not being done.  

And, that’s not me.

In the fourth week of living here, I am down to only a corner of boxes, which house all of my kitchen stuff.  And, my bedroom is now painted, so with only some decorations needing to be placed, it is done. I can already feel myself start to relax and I woke up today ready to take on the world.  I haven’t been this motivated since before I started this whole moving process – until I hit the kitchen.

Coming out into the kitchen and not being able to cook myself breakfast, because WHO KNOWS where all my tools are, reminded me that I’m still living in boxes.  I’m not going to let this stop me though.

The little bit that I did unpack in the kitchen will have to be boxed up again.  On Monday, I will be getting my accessible cabinets, new countertops, and a new cupboard drawer area.  I am hoping that by the end of the week, I will be able to get fully unpacked and start my new routine in my new home.

Here’s my summary.

If you are experiencing stress, overwhelmed feelings, anxiety, or even depression, start with taking a look around your living space and/or office space and see what you can declutter and get rid of.  Not only could you make a little bit of money selling items online, but you can also gain peace and comfort in your mind and life. You will be amazed with just how good you feel.

After you learn and master how to declutter your space, you will find yourself decluttering other areas of your life, such as toxic people/relationships that you have.  Clutter is anything that distracts you from living the life you want to live, from doing the things you know you need to do, and things.

Let’s learn how to declutter all the areas of life together.  Clutter just might be the thing that is holding us back in life.

As always, leave me some feedback either here – below this post, e-mail me (, or on any of my social media platforms! (FB/IG/TW @wheellifeblog and Snapchat @megsh8).  I would love to hear from you and what I can do to help. If there is ANYTHING that you want to hear about – please let me know!  I can’t do any of this without YOU, so I would love to connect with you!


Let’s keep those happy thoughts, productivity and self-care going!  Live honestly, passionately, and with kindness!
