Personal Growth/Mindset Monday

I think I have been stuck in a rut for a little bit now.  I have been working hard on my Master’s degree (that I now do not know if I want to finish), trying to work full time, still trying to get to the gym for at least an hour everyday, AND fit in a social life somewhere.  Let’s just say that exhausted does not even begin to cover it.  

I have an amazing support system.  I have already began to write about everyone that is so appreciated in my life.  However, to accomplish all of those things listed above, I need to believe in me, and take care of me.  Prioritizing and strategizing is what I do best (remember, I am a math teacher!).  But, I tend to prioritize personal care and personal growth last.  I have put my nutrition on the back burner, and my energy levels and focus is reminding of this fact every minute of everyday.  I need to get my nutrition in check, combined with my water consumption, in order to have the energy and focus that I need to work full time, go to school full time, and go to the gym for at least an hour every day.

I have lost 36 pounds since I started this fitness journey, but more importantly, I have discovered how much nutrition impacts my mood and brain power.  But lately, I have not been grocery shopping, not been prepping my food, or if I do prep, I choose to eat junk instead: resulting in low energy and poor focus.  Why do I do this to myself? Am I alone in this? I would like to think not.

But, it’s amazing how social media can become a huge impact with how I make decisions.  I have been “de-railed” for a while and starting to shift my mindset into needing to get back on track.  Then, through Snapchat, Facebook live, and Instagram, I have had several messages from people that I follow help me kind of smack myself in the head and help me get my life back in gear.  Did they talk to me one-on-one about my issues: NOPE! But, they were spreading the message of self-love and self-investment.  That is what I am trying to spread today, with this blog.

Self-love and self-investment are key factors in personal growth, which will lead to growth in other areas of your life as well.  If you do not take care of you, then you cannot EFFECTIVELY take care of others.  One of these inspirations talked about ROI or return on investment.  She preached that working on yourself is a no risk investment because until you work on yourself, you cannot effectively work on anything else.  The way that she spoke about this really hit home for me.  I have so much passion in me for helping others with physical disabilities, but until I completely love myself for who I am, I won’t be any good for anyone else.  

So this is my AH-HA moment to get my life back on track.  I need to love myself enough to choose the right food to eat, to take the time needed to meal prep, and to take time to have a fun time, either by myself or with friends.  I encourage you all to do the same.  Set aside some time every single day to somehow make yourself better.  Start with 10 minutes, 5 minutes, or even 1 single minute: every single day.  Write down short-term and long-term goals.  I am starting something new this week.  I am writing down 3 goals to work on all week long, and then each night I will come up with 2 or 3 things that I want/need to accomplish the following day. I am even going to make observations throughout the day, little observations, about how my mood is, what I have eaten (if anything) and figure out one little change to make my mood better.

There is a term for this.  It’s called Kaizen.  I am beginning to learn about it.  Once I am confident with what I know, I will write about it.  Essentially, it is picking one little thing to work on, so little that it seems trivial.  But, more to come on that.

As always, thanks for taking time to read and if you want questions or comments, please leave them below, or feel free to e-mail me: