August 2018 Goals

Each month is like a clean slate to accomplish whatever it is that you want or desire. Assessing your key areas of priority, goal setting, and developing a plan to accomplish those goals are essential steps in creating the life that you want to live. No matter if you want to start an online business (me!), make gains in the gym or functionality, eat healthier foods, save money, or a number of other general goals, the first step to accomplishing those is coming up with a plan.

*Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below, but these are all products I highly recommend. I won’t put anything on this page that I haven’t verified and/or personally used. See my full disclosure statement here.

If you have been following me for a little bit, you know that I created my Ultimate Goal Setting Guide. I use the steps in this guide every single month. I might tweak things a bit here or there, but the general process remains untouched. This has worked for me for two years (and counting), and I don’t think I will ever NOT use this process. If you are interested, or would like to learn more, click on the Ultimate Goal Setting Guide to be directed to my “shop” area.

I have used a bullet journal for two years, and I am absolutely in love. I will forever use a form of this. And, I say a “form” of this because I have just begun to dabble in the digital bullet journal world.

Let me explain…

Digital bullet journaling utilizes a tablet (for me it’s my iPad), a stylus (apple pencil), and different apps to create a bullet journal. I have set mine up the exact same way as my paper bullet journal – same pages, same inserts, same goal setting process. The only difference is that I just have to carry around my iPad and Apple Pencil for a years (or more!) worth of bullet journal pages instead of a notebook and SO MANY pens.

This allows me to still have the creative freedom that I want, but save me time with recreating the same pages over and over. WIN-WIN! I am so excited to keep on learning how to create an amazing digital version. Honestly, I’ll admit, I am a little obsessed, and maybe even addicted to learning and creating. It may or may not be interfering with me getting other things done. I’m sure the newness will die down soon, but I see a future with digital bullet journaling!

Now onto August…

July was kind of a “dud” month for me. I didn’t really get anything accomplished other than being in a really big, dark rut. Sometimes those months happen. But, I spent the second half of July climbing out of it and I am almost back to normal! Things are in place that will continue to help me. And, it will be a lifetime journey.

My goals have shifted slightly for August, but the majority of them remain the same. I have neglected writing blogs in the month of July, so in August, I’m going to push myself to get back to the one a week schedule. I love to write, and if I can help/serve others while doing it, then my purpose is fulfilled. I need to get back to doing the things I love to do and that push me closer to my dream life. Writing blogs is one of those.

New things happening!

I have a couple of new things that are happening as well. I have just partnered with a Urology Medical Supply company – shout out to UTI Medical! This company is amazing. They were my supplier for 10 years before I had to switch due to switching insurances (total bummer and I fought it for a couple months!). I was not just a customer to them, I was a person and they took care of me! Whether I was talking to the owner, a sales representative, or some one in the insurance department, they took care of me and remembered who I was.

But, I digress, but back to the point –

I have partnered with them to help them develop something for their customers. I am doing some information gathering and some writing on all things urology/catheters. Pretty soon, I will know all things urology! So, one of my goals for August is to work so many hours per week on this project. If I don’t make it a goal – and write it down, it won’t happen.

Other goals include promoting products that I love and have affiliate codes for, selling more of my ebooks, participating/completing a self-care challenge, drinking more water, starting a new cycle of the 131 Method (click to learn more about that), and other more personal goals that I don’t want to share with the world. I love you guys, but some things I need to keep private.

My Process

Of course, like I mentioned earlier, I went through the same process that I wrote about in my Ultimate Goal Setting Guide. I first reflected on what I did (or didn’t do) in July, assessed my key areas of life, wrote 10 goals for the next 90 days, wrote my Ultimate goal, and took a personal inventory on what I need to do more often, less often, what I need to learn/test/try and what I hope to feel when accomplishing those goals.

Before moving on, I did a complete brain dump. Any task that I thought of that I want or need to do in the upcoming month was written down. This will remain a working list and I will refer back to it as I create my weekly plan (again, all described in detail in my Ultimate Goal Setting Guide). I choose to make this list color coordinated with the different areas of my life (personal, business, work, and SCI related).

By creating this list (and adding to it throughout the month) I am able to free up my brain space to focus on the task at hand. When I don’t have to try to keep track of what I need to do in my brain, I am able to focus more on what I am doing – did you know your brain works that way? Pretty cool, huh?

I will continue to check back to my goals page, and my brain dump to keep moving forward toward accomplishing my goals. I hope you are doing the same, whether you use my process or another one!

As always

Please leave me some feedback either here – below this post, e-mail me (, or on any of my social media platforms! (FB/IG/TW @wheellifeblog and Snapchat @megsh8). I would love to hear from you and what I can do to help. If there is ANYTHING that you want to hear about – please let me know! I can’t do any of this without YOU, so I would love to connect with you!

Let’s keep those happy thoughts, productivity and self-care going! Live honestly, passionately, and with kindness!
