December 2017 Goals & Finishing the Year Strong!

A new month means it's time to set goals.  Read on to find out mine and how you can crush this month.

*Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below, but these are all products I highly recommend. I won’t put anything on this page that I haven’t verified and/or personally used. See my full disclosure statement here.

You guys! I almost forgot that I promised I would write a post at the beginning of each month, listing out my goals for the month, and some reasons why research thinks goal setting is uber important! I CANNOT believe that we are now in December! I mean, it seems like 2017 just flew by! Whether 2017 was good, bad, or ugly for you, it’s important to still finish out the year strong. I have been through some major changes this year and I have learned and grown from each struggle that accompanied those changes.

Let’s Review

First, let’s review last month and see how I did! The five goals that I wanted to work on in November were:

  1. Spend 5 hours daily on learning and implementing strategies to promote personal and professional growth. #5BestHours
  2. I will monetize my blog by adding affiliate link/posts as well as creating a product that will help people.
  3. I will consistently upload a new blog post to my site to equal one post per week.
  4. I will learn and implement a program to build my faith and practice meditation.
  5. I will become more confident in myself by being more assertive when speaking.

Okay, so I don’t know if I technically spent 5 hours every day learning and implementing strategies, but I am happy with what I have gotten accomplished this past month. I was completely on my own at work (coworker decided to have a baby – I mean, come on!) and had to do a huge data submission as well as figure out how to do this research coordination thing. PLUS, I continued to work on my blog/business as well as personal stuff. Needless to say, I feel accomplished! I am proud of what I’ve done this month.

I have yet to make any money from my blog but I have added affiliate links, ads, AND figured out what I am going to do for my first product (I’m VERY excited about this, and will talk about it more at a later date.). I’m hoping to make money soon, but I know it is not a “get rich quick” thing, and my main focus is providing valuable content to those in my “tribe.” 

The next goal was about uploading a post to this site every week. CRUSHED IT! I have successfully done this! I would not have been so successful if I didn’t take the time to plan it in my Smart Life Push Journal, or my bullet journal! I would be lost without to-do lists and goal setting!

Let’s be honest about the last two goals. I kind of forgot about them. I do want to build a habit of meditation and practicing faith, so, that will be included in this month’s goals. And, even though I may have forgotten that building my confidence was a goal, I still think I was working on that by working on myself.

I think for December, most of these goals can still apply and I still have room to improve on them. The first goal is going to change, as I no longer think setting a specific amount of time each day is important. What is important is that I make the most of each day by being as productive as possible, while still maintaining my sanity. With that in mind, here are my five goals for December.

My Goals!

  1. I will monetize my blog by adding affiliate link/posts as well as creating a product that will help people.
  2. I will consistently upload a new blog post to my site to equal one post per week.
  3. I will learn and implement a program to build my faith and practice meditation.
  4. I will focus on my health by eating a (mostly) whole-food, plant based diet, drinking my water goal, and exercising (moving) every single day.
  5. I will take time each week for self-care strategies to renew and restore my purpose and my passion.

I already have these goals, as well as others, written in my bullet journal for this month. I will be able to see this page every day, and remind myself what I am working toward and what my specific goals are. A life without goals is like a race without a finish line. If you don’t know what you are working towards, how do you know if you are going in the right direction?

Goal Setting & A Physical Disability

Another goal of mine is to always integrate what I am writing about with my physical disability. How does it relate to having a physical disability? After all, my hopes and dreams about this blog is that it gives my audience tips, tricks, and motivation for living a healthy, happy, satisfied life with a physical disability.

If there is an area of your life in which you feel is not the greatest, then goal setting can help. There are about 10 key areas of your life that you should reflect on when setting your goals. These are physical health, mental well being, environment, hobbies/joy, romance, friends/family, finances, purpose or career, spirituality, and personal growth. If one or more of these areas is not satisfactory, goal setting can help. You should start by deciding which area you want to improve the most, and set that as your key priority. From there, you can create goals.

Remember, these goals should be SMART goals. Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely structured goals are proven to heed the best results. If you haven’t signed up for my email list yet, please do so to receive my FREE template for creating SMART goals. You can do so below this post.

Just because we have a physical disability does not mean we should give up on life. There is still SO MUCH we can do. Adaptive recreation groups and support groups are out there. FInd something that works for you and that you enjoy. If you need help with that, let me know! I would be SO HAPPY to help you find joy to your life.

Just like every month, I challenge you to come up with 1 or 2 goals to accomplish over the next 30 days! And, if you dare, leave them in a comment either on this page, or under my IG post (@wheellifeblog). Let’s end 2017 the right way!

Happy Goal Setting! And, as always:

Let’s Grow & Grind!
