Direction of the Blog

I know, I know, I know.  I have been MIA lately from posting updates here.  The plan is to get better at it, so I know I will. Truth is, I have been taking some time to do some self-care and reflect on my journey so far and the direction that I want to take this blog in.  I started this blog to help others in a similar situation that I’m in: living with a spinal cord injury. More than just living though, I want to help others THRIVE after a spinal cord injury.  I am proof that it’s possible. I have had so many opportunities and have been blessed with so many experiences (and more to come) just because of having a spinal cord injury. Life is definitely NOT over after becoming paralyzed.  


So, what now?


After reflecting, I have realized that my true passion is fitness and nutrition and a holistic lifestyle.  I know that this could be incorporated into many areas of “SCI” issues/concerns. So, I am revamping the content that I will be delivering here. Now, I am not 100% positive of what I’m putting here, but it will fall into 1 of 3 categories (or even touching on all 3).  Instead of generalizing “tips,tricks, and motivation for those with physical disabilities” the content that I will deliver will fall into fitness, nutrition, or motivation/productivity. I feel that I am better at serving others by talking about these three categories.  They are my passion and they are what I know the most about.




I am continuing my fitness journey and have a wonderful trainer, and friend, that is continuing to push me.  (Along with my amazing zumba besties that are always there for me in the gym and outside of the gym!). I plan on incorporating some of these exercises into blog posts and into my Instagram feed (follow me @wheellifeblog).  The research that I have done with adaptive fitness usually features bodybuilders. I am not a bodybuilder, nor do I want to be. I just want to be happy and healthy. Fitness and movement should be part of everyone’s daily life.  But, that does not mean everyone should “train” 7 days a week. By the word “train” I mean lifting heavy weights. Sure, this is important, and if it’s your jam, rock on boo! Lifting weights is very beneficial to health and well being, and everyone should be lifting at some point, but not everyday or for bodybuilding goals.




There are a couple of amazing programs that I am involved with as far as nutrition is concerned.  They are not specific to spinal cord injuries, but they do teach the science behind nutrition. I will talk more about them in the future.  I think I will devote a post about each program. But they allow YOU to choose what and how you eat, based on making little changes to add up to a healthier lifestyle and delivers the science behind it all for WHY you would want to make changes.  I am very excited to be part of both of these programs.




We can’t do anything in this life if our mindset is negative and if we don’t have a plan for what we want.  Throughout the years, I have used many planners and have listened to many podcasts/trainings and have collected numerous quotes and memes that help me stay focused, motivated, and positive.  I want to share what I’ve learned with you. Planning and mindset shifts are paramount to a happy, healthy life – whether you are seated or standing. I have a passion for setting goals, creating lists and habits that better my life and me personally.


This post isn’t a long one, but I think it’s important to be open, honest and transparent.  I don’t want to hide anything and I always want to give an update on what I’m doing – especially if i haven’t posted in awhile.  


As always, leave me some feedback either here, below this post, e-mail me (, or on any of my social media platforms! (FB/IG/TW @wheellifeblog and Snapchat @megsh8).  I would love to hear from you and what I can do to help. If there is ANYTHING that you want to hear about – please let me know!  I can’t do any of this without YOU, so I would love to connect with you!


Let’s keep those happy thoughts, productivity and self-care going!  Live honestly, passionately, and with kindness!
