February 2018 Goals

Reviewing your goals, accomplishments, and habits every month is a great way to see how far you have come, realign your habits, and update your goals based on your current situation.  Read on for more.

Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below, but these are all products I highly recommend. I won’t put anything on this page that I haven’t verified and/or personally used. You can read my full disclosure here.

Every month, I take a little more time to go through a process that Chalene Johnson created in her Push Goals system, and I adapted to fit my needs and to fit my bullet journal.  It makes me look at what I completed, what I still need to accomplish, and gives me a chance at updated some goals that no longer fit my future plans.  

If you follow me across social media and on this site, then you know that I love, love, love my bullet journal!  Earlier this week I forgot my journal at home and I felt completely lost!  Because I made it a habit to update every single morning, I just felt off and that something was missing for the rest of the day.  It’s weird how a change in routine will do that for you!  Not to mention the super moon we just experienced!  Double the trouble!!

Last Month

Before we can move on, we first must go back and review.  For the month of January, these were my top 5 goals that I wanted to accomplish:

  1. Create an ebook to publish and sell on my blog to help others crush their goals.
  2. Increase my social media following by posting at least one time per day.
  3. Continue to post at least one blog every week and “go live” on IG and/or FB at least 4 times.
  4. Create a budget to pay off debt and save money.
  5. Lose 6 more pounds by eating a plant-based diet and moving/exercising every day.

So, let’s review each of these, and the progress that I have made.  1. Creating an e-book.  Unfortunately, I think I have like 2 sentences started on this.  I did not make this enough of a priority to work on weekly or even daily.  Then, life got in the way (like it usually does) and I am left with the first 31 days of the year without at least part of a product to put on my blog.  So, you better believe that this will be a priority for February!  2. Increase social media following.  This pertained to specifically instagram.  I wanted to increase my following by 62 people which equaled 2 more followers per day.  I know that doesn’t seem like much, but for a newbie like myself, I felt like that was a good, challenging goal.  At the time that I am writing this, I am about 20 people shy of reaching this goal.  So, I will do more research, do more testing, and hopefully hit this goal next month.  

2 goals down, 3 more to review

For my next goal, I wanted to post a blog weekly, and go live 4 times.  I have posted at least one blog weekly, so props to me!  However, I have only been live on IG one time.  I don’t know why, but going live on video is a very scary thing for me.  I will post on IG stories and Snapchat, like, all day, every day; but going live seems like a completely different ballgame.  I will practice, and I will get better.  4. Create a budget and pay off some debt.  I haven’t created a specific budget, yet, but I have begun to analyze how and where I am spending my money.  Hello Amazon!  I don’t buy many things that I don’t need, but I could cut back.  And, I have paid off 2 or 3 credit cards this month.  I don’t have much credit card debt, the majority is my student loans (like all of America it seems).

Last, but not least

And for my last goal, I wanted to lose 6 pounds of body fat by eating a mostly plant based diet and 

moving/exercising every day.  The second part of that goal was hit out of the park.  And, I have my apple watch data to prove it!  I love being able to track my movement.  I hit my “Move” and “Exercise” goals every single day!!  This is the first time I have done so.  The plant based diet kind of didn’t happen.  I increased my amount of veggies, but I was still eating animal product every day.  And, I’ve only lost 2 pounds.  So, while I’m happy my weight is still decreasing, it just didn’t complete this goal.

So, now what?

Now I begin my process for setting up my goals for this month.  The first step is to assess my key priority areas of life.  There are ten different areas and include, physical health, mental health, spirituality, environment, romance, finances, and personal growth.  You rank them from 1 to 10 with 1 being the absolute pits and 10 being so great nothing can be improved.  I will discuss more of this in my goal setting ebook that I will be creating.  Once you have your rankings, you pick your lowest one to work on for the month.

Now goals

Once you know what area of life you want to focus on, you can create your 10 goals for the next 90 days.  At least 3 of these goals should focus on the key area that you determined to be your lowest.  Then, you create an 11th goal, which Chalene Johnson calls a PUSH goal, that will create a domino effect on your 10 goals.  Again, I will explain more of this in my ebook.  Again, these goals should be created with 90 days in mind to accomplish.  They should be kind of big, and kind of scary.

Personal Inventory

Now you need to look at your habits.  What things do you need to do less often, more often, and stop doing altogether?  Be honest with yourself as that’s the only way this process works.  Also think about what things you need to try, learn, or test this month, and what you hope to feel after accomplishing your 11th goal, or we will call it the Ultimate goal.  You do not have to do this next step, but from there, I break down the 90 day goals a little bit more and create 10 goals for the month.  

Final Step

This final step is usually forgotten.  But, goals without a plan are just like wishes.  You want them to happen, but you don’t know HOW they will happen.  This next step will help!  Next, I do a brain dump.  I write down every single task I can think of that will help me accomplish all 10 goals.  These should be specific tasks.  So, for example, I want to build a following by using video and pictures.  Just writing down, create video for “this content;” that’s like 5 tasks in itself.  You have to come up with the content, create a title, film the content, edit, publish, and so forth.  Make sure you get that specific.  


This is how I do it.  I start with maybe more general tasks, and then after I complete the brain dump, I go back and get more specific with the tasks that are more general.  Then, every day, you pick 3 of those tasks to accomplish.  These should take about 10 minutes each.  Everyone has 30 minutes everyday that they can work on their goals.  It could mean one less Netflix show, or not scrolling social media as much.  You have to make the time, but you have the time.

February Goals

Now that I’ve explain my process, let’s get to my February Goals.  Again, they will be very similar, if not the same, as January goals.

  1. Create an ebook to publish and sell on my blog to help others crush their goals.
  2. Increase my social media following by posting at least one time per day.
  3. “Go live” on IG and/or FB at least 4 times.
  4. Create a budget and revisit it weekly to pay off debt and save money.
  5. Lose 6 more pounds by eating a plant-based diet and continuing to moving/exercising every day.


Now that you know what my goals are, I would love to hear one or two from you!  Comment below, or on my latest instagram post (@wheellifeblog).  As always, leave me some feedback either here, below this post, e-mail me (megs@thewheellifeblog.com), or on any of my social media platforms! (FB/IG/TW @wheellifeblog and Snapchat @megsh8).  I would love to hear from you and what I can do to help.


Let’s Grow and Grind!



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