First Time Hiking

Sometimes in life, things don’t always end up being what you planned.  

Who knew, right?!

Well, that’s exactly what happened with my newest YouTube video.  I wanted it to be an educational video and when I was editing it, I just didn’t like it.  So, back to the drawing board and I came up with something new. And, I like it.

I just had the opportunity to go hiking for the FIRST TIME ever!  I can’t believe I’ve never tried. It was amazing, even with the weather!  I can’t wait to go again.

Also, that SCI elective class that I’m a part of just met for it’s very last class.  The last class of each course is always my favorite, and you will have to watch the video in order to find out why.


I want to keep coming up with different ideas in which will benefit you.  So, if you want to see something, let me know! I will keep track of all the idea in my Push Journal and get to them as soon as I can!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this video.  As always, leave me some feedback either here – below this post, e-mail me (, or on any of my social media platforms! (FB/IG/TW @wheellifeblog and Snapchat @megsh8).  I would love to hear from you and what I can do to help. If there is ANYTHING that you want to hear about – please let me know!  I can’t do any of this without YOU, so I would love to connect with you!

Let’s keep those happy thoughts, productivity and self-care going!  Unit next time, live honestly, passionately, and with kindness!
