How Do you Like My Meat | ButcherBox Haul

In this week’s video, I go through my Butcher Box haul and show you the meat that I received right at my doorstep (kinda – I live in a high rise condo building and my deliveries are stored in an area for me to pick up)  and the service that Butcher Box provides!

*Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below, but these are all products that I highly recommend. I won’t put anything on this page that I haven’t verified and/or personally used. See my full disclosure statement here.

If you haven’t heard of Butcher Box, I suggest you get on this train and learn now!  They provide the highest quality of meat and deliver it directly to your door! You can choose from 3 different sized boxes, have them curate one for you – or make your own, and decide how often you get it delivered.

If you don’t go through all your meat before your next box is due to ship – NO PROBLEM.  You log into your account and simply delay your shipment for a little bit. And, the same is true for the other direction.  If you go through your meat before your next box is due, simply log in and adjust your shipment date. They make it really easy to adjust!


So, the only downfall that I see with this service is the sum of money you pay upfront.  But, if you break it down, it averages out to $11-12 per pound of meat. You cannot beat that in any grocery store for this quality.  But, I promise you, if you try it once, you will figure out a way to have the money to pay for it again and again if money is tight for you.  Plus, you will then be done buying meat for one, two, or even three months (like I am).

Check out my video below for my Butcher Box haul, and feel free to use my link to get yourself a free pound of bacon AND scallops!  

As always, leave me some feedback either here – below this post, e-mail me (, or on any of my social media platforms! (FB/IG/TW @wheellifeblog and Snapchat @megsh8).  I would love to hear from you and what I can do to help. If there is ANYTHING that you want to hear about – please let me know!  I can’t do any of this without YOU, so I would love to connect with you!

Let’s keep those happy thoughts, productivity and self-care going!  Live honestly, passionately, and with kindness!
