How to Stay Socially Connected in a Socially Distanced World

How are we all doing?  How are we feeling?  I hope well and feeling grateful and hopeful.  During this time, I have been focusing on connecting with myself, debunking limiting beliefs, and simply trying to elevate my life.

I have found a renewed passion for getting the message out there that we can still have a fulfilling life post spinal cord injury, or any other trauma.  Things will be different, yes.  But we can create a new sense of normal and live spectacular lives.  And, I feel called to revive this blog as a way of getting this message out there.

Because, on a global scale, we are still battling COVID-19, I thought it would be great to talk about how to stay socially connected when we are urged to stay home and socially distance ourselves from everyone else.  

I’d prefer to call it physical distance, but I don’t make the rules.

According to Brigham Young University psychology professor and researcher Dr. Julianne Holt-Lunstad, being socially connected is considered a fundamental human need.  Social support has been known to positively influence life satisfaction and health, and even mortality,  among those living with spinal cord injuries (SCI) and disorders.  Our connection to others enables us to better battle diseases and take part in a meaningful, productive life.  And research shows that those that take part in social activities generally live longer, have a sense of purpose in life, and maintain a better mood.

Individuals with SCI have had a long history of social isolation.  2020 has been no exception.  For the first time, everyone has been struggling to stay connected with friends and loved ones while maintaining social distancing protocols. It’s estimated that 1 in 20 Americans will experience depression in their lifetime, yet for the spinal cord injury population, it’s 1 in 5.  COVID-19 has increased these rates (3 times), which is why staying connected is especially important during this time. 

I’ve put together 10 ways in which you can stay socially connected with friends, family, and loved ones while staying socially distanced and protect yourself from COVID-19.  

  1. Join Facebook groups.  There are many groups on Facebook that are specific to SCI/D.  You can bounce ideas off of others, get advice about a struggle you are experiencing, or just chat and make new friends.  Some of the groups I’d recommend (and are part of) are United Spinal Association Northeast Ohio Chapter, Spinal Cord Injury USA Group, Spinal Cord Peer Support USA, The Wheel Woman Hole (for females only), and United Spinal Spinal Cord Injury (SCI/D) Support Group, but this list is not exhaustive.  Find a couple that you connect with and start there!
  2. Invite friends for a one-on-one Facetime/Zoom Meeting.  Even though you wouldn’t be in person, it’s a safe alternative that still provides face time with those you care about.  Other platforms could include Skype, Google Meets, Snapchat video calls, FB Messenger video calls, etc.  
  3. Set up a Happy Hour/Social Hour Chat with a group of friends/family members.  Gone are the days of group outings (for the time being anyway), so why not take those hangouts online?  With some planning, you could create some interesting “themed” discussions.  Have a trivia night, or have everyone in the group buy the same ingredients and cook together, have a paint night together, or anything you can think of.  The possibilities are endless here.  What did you enjoy doing pre-pandemic? Find a way to recreate that over a digital platform!
  4. Stay connected with yourself.  Self-discovery is equally important when trying to connect with others.  As I mentioned earlier, I have been focusing on this since the pandemic began.  With more time by ourselves, it’s important to take the time to care for yourself.  Things to try journaling, meditation practices, exercise, and any other self-care strategy.  Thought about exploring therapy? It’s a great time to start!  Interested in working with a Life Coach? I offer 1-on-1 sessions over the phone or Zoom (your preference) to help you reach your goals.  Some things I can help with are goal setting, creating habits and systems to elevate your life, and accountability.
  5. Try out a new recipe/hobby/creative outlet and share it on social media.  Ever wanted to knit a scarf, bake bread, try out that random recipe you saw in that cookbook that one time!? Make the most of these times and try something new.  There are even online groups that you can join to learn new skills or connect with others that have the same interests.
  6. Get outdoors – Weather permitting of course! Every now and then I get a glimpse of that bright yellow thing in the sky in Ohio during the winter and I take full advantage of it! Consider exploring nature at trails in your area, or simply take a “walk” around your neighborhood.  You can also go to a park, or do any yard work (or snow removal) that needs to be done.  Getting out in nature elevates our mood.  The more you can connect with nature, the higher your vibration.
  7. Call/text/check-in with your friends/family/loved ones. Being on video can be exhausting these days but it still may be comforting to hear from the ones we care about.  Don’t ignore the big impact of a simple text just to say hi and check in on a loved one.
  8. Get involved in a new club, or create your own. Find a book club, a group streaming movies online, or online discussions on specific topics. Opportunity to bring together familiar faces and new ones, too.  You can set a time every week to meet on a Zoom call with the group.  Create things to look forward to. 
  9. Volunteer for a cause you are passionate about. There are lots of things to do virtually to help out your favorite non-profit.  Research shows that volunteering is the gift that gives back.  Volunteers not only make a difference in the lives you are helping, but also your own life as health benefits include lowered stress, reduced risk of depression, and new relationships. 
  10. Send cards/letters – nothing beats receiving physical mail that is not a bill.  Spread some love by sending a card or letter to someone special in your life.  I know I always get excited if I see an envelope that’s not a bill or junk mail!

Are you ready for a Bonus tip?

Find your favorite local artists and/or content creators on social media and join their live streams! Comment and reply to other comments during the stream to connect with others watching.  And who knows, maybe your favorite creator will shout out your comment. I’ve personally loved logging in to weekly live streams of my favorite music artists.  Live music is one thing I greatly miss experiencing, and even though it’s not the same, I still get to experience it while supporting them in the process.

Social connections are what bind us together.  Prioritizing social interactions and finding meaningful ways to connect during this time will help support each other and our own health and wellbeing.  

I hope these tips spark some ideas about how to stay socially connected during this time right now. As always, leave me some feedback either here – below this post, e-mail me (, or on any of my social media platforms! (FB/IG/TW/TT @wheellifeblog and Snapchat @megsh8).  I would love to hear from you and what I can do to help.  If there is ANYTHING that you want to hear about – please let me know!  I can’t do any of this without YOU, so I would love to connect with you!

Let’s keep those happy thoughts, productivity, and self-care going!  Until next time, live honestly, passionately, and with kindness! Take care!
