Stretches/Movements I Do Everyday

10 Stretches/Movements I Do Every Single Morning

As humans, (and you’re human, right?) we need movement.  After a spinal cord injury, we often don’t get the movement we need due to our paralysis.  Because of this, we need to create space to intentionally move our bodies.

*Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below, but these are all products that I highly recommend. I won’t put anything on this page that I haven’t verified and/or personally used. See my full disclosure statement here.

If you’re anything like me, you have chronic pain.  My neck, shoulders, and upper back area are constantly tight and causing me a lot of pain.  When I’m in pain, the first thought I have is not to move because that’s what causes the pain. “Allow it to rest.” 

But, you know what I’ve learned?!

The opposite is actually true!  The more I intentionally move my muscles and joints, the less pain I feel.  Start moving your neck and shoulders around – especially the wall angels movement.  I started with 5 of each.  I did each movement 5 times and moved on to the next.  When I was done, I was done.

The more I did, the better I felt.  So, I usually do a couple reps of 10 of each movement in the morning, and then do some more throughout the day.  Give it a try and let me know how you feel!  But remember, this is just one thing that will help with the pain.  These movements are being used IN CONJUNCTION with cleaning up my diet, decreasing the sugar and processed foods,  maintaining proper hydration, working through some things in counseling, continuing my personal development and shifting my mindset, and exercising.  

The 10 stretches/movements

Neck Up/Downs – just like you’re looking up and down.  Make sure you are slow and controlled.  

Neck Left/Rights – looking left and right slow and controlled.  

Ear to Shoulder – This is my favorite stretch ever.  My neck is always so tight that it usually hurts to look left and right.  This stretch (along with the previous stretch) is what gets it done for me.  

Arm circles (both directions) – mobilizing our shoulders and taking care of them are huge preventative measures for wheelchair users.  When I was injured, I was told that WHEN I get shoulder surgery; not IF I have to get it. 

Shoulder circles (both directions) – just your shoulders this time around.  This releases some trap and shoulder muscles.

Wall angels – I describe these as slow and controlled jumping jack arms.  This stretch was a game-changer for the pain running down my neck and into the scapular area of my back.  I was amazed at how well this one stretch worked.

Scapular Punches – In this exercise, you aren’t making a punching motion with your arms, you are moving your shoulder blades in a forward/backward motion.

Arm Bends – This one seems silly, but my elbows get stiff and sore.  I have realized that my arms don’t get straightened out a lot during the day and they stay bent while I sleep.  So this helps loosen up those muscles and eases the pain around my elbows.

Wrist CIrcles – just your basic wrist circles.  Make sure to go both directions!

Back Twists – make sure to sit up as straight as you can when twisting.  I try to look as far back as I can.  Remember, controlled, slow movements are the key

I do also have some tools that I use to work out specific knots and trouble points.  I have them listed under Pain Management Tools on my Favorite Things Page.  But, the important part is there is not a “magic pill” or a “magic thing” that will decrease your pain.  It’s a combination of things and shifting to a wellness life.

If you’re wanting someone to talk things through with, I can be that gal.  My DMs are always open and I’m more than willing to share my knowledge and what has helped me to anyone that wants to learn.  

I also have a ‘5 Tips for Living Healthy As A Wheelchair User” ebook in my shop, for a very cheap price. In this guide, I share with you, my top five tips for living in wellness.  These are tips that I do in my life, and part of my wellness maintenance.  

As always, leave me some feedback either here – below this post, e-mail me (, or on any of my social media platforms! (FB/IG/TW/TT @wheellifeblog and Snapchat @megsh8).  I would love to hear from you and what I can do to help.  If there is ANYTHING that you want to hear about – please let me know!  I can’t do any of this without YOU, so I would love to connect with you!

Let’s keep those happy thoughts, productivity, and self-care going!  Unit next time, live honestly, passionately, and with kindness!
