Navigating the Holidays with Grace: 5 Self-Care Tips

This time of year is crazy and chaotic for me.  Is it for you?  It’s also a time of joy, love, and celebrating the year with loved ones.  Just a week or two ago, my December was pretty open, and now every weekend is planned. AND we finally planned our honeymoon!  

So, I am amping up my meditation and journaling practices and incorporating some yoga into my morning routine.  My morning routine is ever-changing, and I’m really loving how it’s looking right now. I start the day centered, grounded, and hydrated.

Like I mentioned earlier, this is a time of joy, celebration, and connection with loved ones. However, for individuals living with a spinal cord injury, this time of year may bring unique challenges. From navigating inaccessible spaces to managing increased social engagements, taking care of both physical and emotional well-being becomes crucial. In this blog post, we will explore five self-care tips tailored for those with spinal cord injuries during the holiday season.

 **Prioritize Rest**

Amidst the hustle and bustle of holiday festivities, it's essential to prioritize rest. Individuals with spinal cord injuries often expend more energy navigating their environment, making it crucial to listen to their bodies. Schedule downtime between events, ensure proper sleep, and consider incorporating relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation to recharge both physically and mentally.

**Plan Accessible Celebrations**

Many holiday gatherings take place in various locations, and not all may be wheelchair accessible. Take proactive steps to plan accessible celebrations by communicating with hosts and event organizers. Share specific accessibility needs, such as ramps or designated seating areas, to ensure a comfortable and inclusive experience for everyone. Consider hosting gatherings in accessible venues or adapting spaces to accommodate mobility aids.

**Embrace Adaptive Technology:**

Incorporate adaptive technology to enhance independence and facilitate active participation in holiday activities. From voice-activated smart home devices to mobility aids with advanced features, leveraging technology can make daily tasks more manageable. During the holiday season, consider exploring new technologies that promote autonomy and provide a sense of empowerment.

**Cultivate a Supportive Network:**

The holiday season can evoke a range of emotions, and having a strong support network is invaluable. Surround yourself with understanding friends and family who appreciate the unique challenges of living with a spinal cord injury. Open communication about needs and boundaries fosters a supportive environment, ensuring that the holiday season is a time of joy and connection rather than stress.

**Mindful Nutrition and Hydration**

Amidst the festive feasts, it's important to pay attention to nutrition and hydration. Individuals with spinal cord injuries may have specific dietary needs, and maintaining a balanced diet is crucial for overall well-being. Stay hydrated, make mindful food choices, and consider consulting with a healthcare professional or nutritionist to ensure your dietary plan aligns with your health goals.

The holiday season should be a time of celebration and connection for everyone, including us! By prioritizing rest, planning accessible celebrations, embracing adaptive technology, cultivating a supportive network, and maintaining mindful nutrition, individuals with spinal cord injuries can navigate the holidays with grace and make the most of this festive time. Remember, self-care is not a luxury but a necessity, and by taking these steps, you can ensure a more enjoyable and fulfilling holiday season.

I have a free 2-week journaling guide you can download from my shop if you are interested in starting your journaling practice.  Journaling can help you become aware of thoughts, patterns, and themes you are focusing on.  This is the first step in knowing what you want to change.  If you are ready to dig deep, I have a 30-day ‘Spring-Cleaning’ downloadable Journal in my shop for purchase to help you declutter your life and start moving toward the life of your dreams.  Each prompt will ask you to reflect on an area of your life and come up with actionable steps to work toward your dream life.  Use the space I provide in my journal or whatever you already have/like.

If you would like more information on anything I spoke about here, leave me feedback either here – below this post, e-mail me (, or on any of my social media platforms! (IG/TW/TT  @megs_hammond).  If there is ANYTHING that you want to hear about – please let me know!  I can’t do this without YOU, so I would love to connect!

Let’s keep those happy thoughts, productivity, and self-care going!  Until next time, live honestly, passionately, and with kindness! Take care!