Be Boundless

On Thursday, February 23, 2018, the Rollettes Los Angeles (IG @rollettes_la) rolled out the “Be Boundless” campaign.  I could NOT be more excited about this campaign.  #beboundless18

What does it mean to be boundless?

According to their social media posts, this campaign has a goal of making a big splash to inspire and motivate to live independent – whether it’s physical, mental, or emotional.  And, you have been following me for awhile, you know this topic is what gets me fired up with passion.  I truly believe my sole purpose in life is to do this very thing.  

Like I talk about in my “Redefining Independence” post, living independently will look different after a spinal cord injury.  You will have to redefine what it means for you and your level of ability, and modify the heck out of life.  But, there is still so much life to live, even from a sitting position.  

Choose your words wisely

The words we use to label others need to change.  I am not “wheelchair bound.” Actually, this phrase is the one phrase that erks me the most!  What does that mean to be wheelchair bound?  Do I never get out of my wheelchair?  It just seems so silly.  I am not “bounded” to my wheelchair, I just happen to use a wheelchair for mobility.  It does not dictate what I can or cannot do.  If I didn’t have the wheelchair, that’s when I would be trapped or disabled.  But, BECAUSE of my wheelchair, I am able to live independently, vibrantly, passionately, and as actively as I choose.  I work full time, am working on a blogging business, workout everyday, and enjoy time with my friends.  I am boundless!

The only thing that can stop you from achieving a goal, or a dream, is you!  My favorite phrase has always been “I can and I will, just watch me!”  I’m not sure if it’s my competitive nature, or being stubborn/persistence, but if someone told me that I couldn’t do something, I would attempt every way possible until I did it.  Just the other day, someone said that I would not be able to lift a 35 pound portable ramp.  So, that evening, at the gym, I had someone help me load a bar to equal 35 pounds, and guess what?!  I did it!  It was not pretty, and it was very, very hard, but I did it!  Whatever you set your mind to, if there is a will, there is a way.

Another example

I’ve been following wheelchair bodybuilding accounts on Instagram for awhile now.  I knew using machines at the gym, and free weights were possible, but for the most part, I didn’t know how.  And, because I mainly do group exercise classes, I didn’t really care.  Well, on Sunday, a friend and I were at the gym and she was talking about what she needed to bench.  I chimed in with “oh, I’ve never done that.  Don’t even know if I could.”  From there, I’m not exactly sure who’s idea it was, but I ended up trying it.  The thought of 45 pounds scared me (since I could barely pick up the 35 pound bar) so we started small.  Turns out, I can bench press a 45 pound bar.  I know, compared to those who bench, a lot, 45 pounds is nothing.  BUT, to me, it was everything.

It proved, once again, that when you set your mind to something, it can happen.  I know from the bottom of my heart that if I wasn’t able to bench the 45 pound bar Sunday, I would have tried again, and again, and again until I could.  Might have taken some time (like weeks or months) but I know I would have persisted until it happened.  That’s just who I am.  And, it could be who you are too!  (And, I would love to help with that).

It gets better!

The crazy thing about being able to prove to myself that I could do something is the mental spiral that it caused.  It made me start thinking about what else I could do that I originally thought I couldn’t, or wouldn’t be able to do.  I’m now wondering what other exercises and training techniques are out there that I can do.  Once you conquer one thing, it catapults you into the next project that you want to conquer.  That’s what being boundless is all about.

Do you want to get involved? Here’s how:

If you want to get involved, here are the instructions that the Rollettes Los Angeles have posted for us to use on Instagram:  

  1. Write “Be Boundless” on a white piece of paper
  2. Hold it up and take a photo
  3. Then, write a caption on how you are working toward living an independent life – whether it's physical, mental or emotional
  4. Add #beboundless18 and @rollettes_la – plus tag us on the photo


I would love to know what it means to be boundless to you!  If you would, head to my IG and comment on my latest post!  And as always, leave me some feedback either here – below this post, e-mail me (, or on any of my social media platforms! (FB/IG/TW @wheellifeblog and Snapchat @megsh8).  I would love to hear from you and what I can do to help.


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